Sunday, November 8, 2009

A vote for hope

I've finished my first two weeks of church conferences. Six congregations. Each different in both in location and personality. Each utterly compelling.

I generally start off the gathering by asking those present something along the lines of "So why, when there are so many other things you could be doing instead, why do you come to church...and what, if any, difference does that make in your life?"

There's usually silence...then someone begins and the stories start to flow....

Stories of finding hope....of finding family.....of finding purpose...
...of wanting stability....and a new beginning...
Stories of people who welcome questions...and don't judge answers....
who listen for the mystery underneath it all...
...and give themselves to making things better.

"There are Sunday mornings when I don't feel at all like coming to church. But then, when I open the newspaper and see the hopelessness that fills the world, I change my mind and head on over. On those days, coming to church is a vote for hope."

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