Thursday, November 12, 2009

Simple Church

At a meeting I attended on Saturday, they passed out copies of a book called Simple Church.

"A simple church is a congregation designed around a straight-forward and strategic process that moves people through the stages of spiritual growth."

I really like the wording. It boils down into simplest terms what I think is the fundamental purpose of any type of faith community.

Designed Around: Programs, ministries, and meetings revolve around one thing - moving people through the stages of spiritual growth. In United Methodist language we'd say, "making disciples for the transformation of the world." But understood from a Weslyan perspective, that's exactly what "moving people through the stages of spiritual growth" is.

Everything that is done is done for a reason. There is a clear aim. Everything - from announcements in worship, to pastoral care, to how leaders respond to everyday crises - serves that aim.

A Straight-forward & Strategic Process: There is a fundamental process in place for helping people grow spiritually. That process is simple and understandable - by everybody. The parts all fit together to lead people to an intended end result

That moves people through stages of Spiritual Growth: It's understood that people will be at various places in their spiritual journey. Growth in their relationship with God, others, and self is expected and fostered.

This means that there is, in the congregation, an agreed upon desired end result, and agreement about the basic stages of spiritual growth that lead to that end.

Now THERE'S a question for your congregation. What's the desired end result you want from people's involvement with your church? What are the basic stages of spiritual growth that have to be lived through before that end result can be reached?

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