Thursday, December 31, 2009

The Bible in a Year

Wow. It's been more than a month. Way more. I would have guessed 3 weeks, tops. That's how time goes for and fleeting. I set out towards a goal with great intention, but if there's no structure to help keep me focused, before long I'm captured by and following next important (or merely bright and shiny) thing.

My intent this year is to dig into the bible the way Julie Powell dug into Julia Child's Mastering the Art of French Cooking. The whole shebang in one year. And I know that if I'm to be successful, I need a good structure. For me that means 3 things.
  1. Declare it out loud
  2. Have a structure that adds it to my day
  3. Do it with others

So today, as one year fades and the next is on the edge of popping open, I invite you to join me in a structured reading of the bible that will have us going through the whole thing in one year. Craig Miller of the United Methodist General Board of Discipleship has put together a form to help us. You'll find it on the web at It lists the scriptures for each day and gives a place to comment and see what others are saying about the readings.

There are six readings for each week. The seventh day has no reading. You can use that day to reflect on the week's readings or catch up if you need to. The reading schedule is based on Eugene Peterson's The Daily Message: Through the Bible in One Year.

So here goes!


  1. Soooo Mary,
    How is this going? I confess I am not with you day to least not yet. I made the journey over 4 years weekly Bible Study with residents of Hearthstone retirement center in Ellensburg. I will check out the form you suggested and get back to you. meanwhile I am with you in Spirit!

  2. One more note: The Seven Rivers District link on the right side of this page seems to be broken. LM
